
The process of being and staying in relation requires an ever-present presence of attention. The full cooperation of all is crucial for the success of lasting change. Once again, people play a central role in the context of change. Their way of being in relation with one another – cooperation – is fundamental to the power and outcome of change. Together, they form a unique and dynamic social construct. Collaboration and participation are once again key verbs.

Characteristic to all of this is openness towards one another and the constant exploration of opportunities for improvement. Because many are heard and appreciated within change processes, many new and unforeseen solutions and possibilities emerge. In this complex and rapidly changing world, you need input from everyone to fully understand the plethora of situations you face together.

New knowledge and new approaches or solutions are created by new stories that provide new answers and new questions.

Loek Schoenmakers

Anderson & Gerhart refer to collaborative relations in their many works, in which we are in relation to one another and cooperate, construct and co-create. This provides us with shared meaning. New knowledge and new approaches or solutions are created by new stories that provide new answers and new questions. Within this form of collaboration, it seems like we tap into one another’s expertise and knowledge. A curious, welcoming stance enables others to tell their stories with confidence and so allows us to find new answers. Real collaboration means we are going into relation. Once again this reinforces mutual commitment.

Building Bridges
Building Bridges

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