Appreciative change work
Social Constructing
How can we design change processes which generate energy? In what way can we operate so everyone’s potential is utilised in the best way possible? What does this appreciative approach mean for those in leadership positions? How can you bring all of this into practise?
Choosing an appreciative approach means constructing – step by step – our dreamed of and wished for futures, together. Whether applied to one-on-one coaching, operations in teams or in big communities, putting people central within change processes releases enormous power when done in appreciative ways. Appreciative Change Work is based on the ideas of Appreciative Inquiry developed by David Cooperrider (AI). It is an approach that is equally exploratory, cooperative and based on connectivity. It is an approach that in recent years has managed to gain significant ground and popularity all over the world. Appreciative Change Work allows you to work on all kinds of “questions of change’’ with your co-workers (and even with customers or other external parties) and apply the results to your workplace directly. AI is based on change and renewal, and seeks to appreciate and reinforce the strengths and talents of people in all sorts of organisations. The approach is suited to both coaching individuals and teams, and for realising larger changes, such as regional or country wide projects.
Continuously appreciate those that work together with others to achieve real change! That is how you achieve sustainable improvements to better worlds and futures.
Loek Schoenmakers
The continuous focus on appreciation and positivity releases a large amount of energy between people. In practise, I have seen that this fundamental choice drastically changes reality. Every person wants to be seen, heard and acknowledged. Every person has knowledge and expertise. There is no one who knows more or less, we simply all know different things. From the realisation that everyone is needed for the success of change processes, every voice is heard and appreciated. Because of this pluralism, everyone’s story is heard and the co-creation of ideas drastically improves. The trust built on one another then further enhances the power to change reality. In short, Appreciative Inquiry forms a very major source of inspiration.